Open today: 1:00pm - 5:00pm

Event Rental FAQs

Find answers to common questions about spaces, catering, setup, and policies. From logistics to amenities, we’ve got the details to help you plan with confidence.


What hours are NDGTS rental spaces available?

Daytime rentals are held between 8am and 5pm Monday through Friday; between 10am and 5pm Saturday; and between 1pm and 5pm Sunday. Evening rentals are held between 5pm and 10pm Monday through Friday. Extended hours may be arranged in advance with Events Manager.

What types of events are permitted at NDGTS?

Permitted events in NDTGS rental spaces are meetings, conferences, luncheons, socials, private gatherings, receptions, and weddings. Public areas of NDGTS cannot be used for private rental events during regular business hours. Wedding-related events are held only on Friday and Saturday.

What if I would like additional hours?

Hourly rates outside of the fee structures are offered upon availability and arrangement.

What is included in a rental?

All rentals include setup and tear down of tables and chairs, as well as a podium, basic audio equipment, and janitorial service. Security may be provided for rentals after business hours.

When can I start setting up?

You can begin setting up 1 hour before your event starts. Special arrangements can be made with the Events Manager.

Can my event include candles?

No open flames candles allowed. Battery operated candles are okay.

Can I bring my own food?

Yes, you may bring in outside food. You are responsible for the setup, serving, and cleanup of any outside food and beverage (nonalcoholic) at your event.

Can I bring my own alcohol?

No. NDGTS requires you to employ a licensed bartender.

Can I have my event catered and serve alcohol?

Yes. NDGTS requires you to employ a licensed caterer/ licensed bartender. NDGTS has a list of preferred providers to choose from who are familiar with our facility, policies, and procedures.

Who is responsible for cleanup?

You are responsible for anything you or your guests bring into the event, i.e., take items with you when you leave or put in garbage containers. NDGTS will be responsible for the breakdown of chairs and tables and removal of trash.

Caterers/bartenders are responsible for setup and removal of any equipment that is in their possession as well as cleanup of serving areas, garbage removal, and for any spills.

If I have an outdoor event is there a weather contingency plan?

We encourage you to plan ahead for bad weather and make a contingency plan. NDGTS will not be held responsible if there is bad weather.